- 新作|品格·自然美学·现代优雅
- 来源:火车头设计
自然美学 地域艺术
人文生活 科技未来
Natural Aesthetics Regional Art
Humanity Life Future Technology
The Future City, themed “divorcing future experience from traditional display center”, will rise as an exhibition hall of a technology city where natural aesthetics and future life coexist harmoniously with a modern and simple style, and featuring the combination of technology and regional humanity.
Nestling in Doumen District, Zhuhai City, and the west coast hub of the Greater Bay Area, home to intense river network and attractive natural landscapes, the project will shine like a pearl in South Guangdong.
Driven by social development, the progress of the time, and the breakthrough of technology, the future life experience is developmental, changing and imaginative.
Original ecology and symbiosis are applied to the space. Original ecology emphasizes the transmission and continuation of natural atmosphere, while symbiosis stresses the dialogue between nature and design, and the symbiosis between tradition and contemporary.
The flowing exhibition space uses flowing waves, beaches and other lines to reflect the living scenes of coastal people, as it is positioned to be a living art museum with regional attributes.
Personality · Modern and Elegant
Inside the space filled with streams of light which, like the waves of the sea rushing back and forth, forms the fantastic changes of light and shadow, and creates a natural mood of freedom and vitality
Modern and fashionable style and the textual smoothness, coupled with the elegant tenderness of brass, match well the urban taste of the customer group. Further, the regional cultural attributes of Zhuhai, plus the elegant and natural spatial ethos, give birth to a spatial charm that is free and ethereal.
Texture · Flowing Beauty
With pure white as the background of the swirls of water, the source of all things and beauty of life are embedded in the space. Innate aura and a sense of the future delivers a flowing spatial experience between the swirling waves, giving expression to the beauty of modern space design.
The rolling billows invite one to set sail, to marvel at how the golden beaches glisten with spiral ribbons of light and crystal chandeliers, to see how the waves flowing over the smooth sand picture the desired lifestyle.
The introduction of track line structure accentuates the three-dimensional feeling of the lines. The special-shaped design smartly combines space future science and technology and natural aesthetics.
Future space shocks people and sparks their thinking; grey stone and art glass offer a perfect interpretation of modern fashion; the elegant and graceful white main color delivers people an immersive experience.
The sun and the waves make a beautiful scene; in the interaction of light and shadow, a touch of vitality orange, as a jumping color, lights up the spatial mood, making it graceful and fashionable. Showily aureate decoration highlights the elegant, modern, and fashionable aura of the space.
Rhythm · Art Gallery
When regional culture and living scene are introduced into the space, modern design will create a more distinctive and dreamy space experience. The top metal corrugated plate echoes the ocean blue carpet, changing shape to rhyme, setting tone with color, and striking a smart unity between space art and function.
As the technological sense of the abnormal body block continues, children's quest bookstore and exquisite furnishings allow them to roam in the ocean of knowledge and explore the fantasy and magic of future technology.
The use of stone invites nature into the space; the application of silver and gold metal and other materials create the flowing effect of light and shadow changes.
Project name: CRCC · Future City
Party A: China Railway Construction Investment Future City (Zhuhai) Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Project type: Exhibition Center
Project area: 1,000㎡
Design date: June 2020
Completion date: March 2021
Hard decoration design: Chengdu Jiudu Design Center
Party A's team: Tang Dan, Zhang Jianhua, Zong Zixi, Li Song
项目摄影:404NF STUDIO工作室
Project photography: 404NF Studio
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