- 英国新首相 V 反对派大佬:鲍里斯议会吵架实录,震撼!
- 来源:英伦大叔
Boris Johnson: Mr Speaker, over the past few years, too many people in this country feel that they have been told repeatedly and relentlessly what we cannot do.
Since I was a child, I remember respectable authorities asserting that our time as a nation has passed that we should be content with mediocrity and managed decline, and time and again...
These are the sceptics and doubters, my friends. They are, they are!! Time and again, by their powers to innovate and to adapt the British people have shown the doubters wrong.
他们工党就是 一群对国家持怀疑态度的人!他们是!他们就是!然而英国人民凭借着创新和适应能力,一次又一次证实了这群怀疑者是错误的。
And Mr Speaker, I believe that at this pivotal moment in our national story, we are going to prove the doubters wrong again.
Not just with positive thinking and a can-do attitude, important though they are, but with the help and the encouragement of a Government and a Cabinet, that is bursting with ideas, ready to create change, determined to implement the policies we need to succeed as a nation.
The greatest place to live, the greatest place to bring up a family, the greatest place to set up a business or to invest, because we have the best transport, and the cleanest environment, and the best healthcare, and the most compassionate approach to care of elderly people.
That is the mission of the Cabinet I have appointed and that is the purpose of the Government I am leading. And that is why I believe that if we bend our sinews to the task now there is every chance that in 2050, when I fully intend to be around although not necessarily in this job...
We will be able to look back on this period, this extraordinary period as the beginning of a new golden age for our United Kingdom!
I commend this future to the House just as much as I commend this statement, Mr Speaker
Mr Speaker: Jeremy Corbyn!
Jeremy Corbyn: Thank you, Mr Speaker.
I welcome the right hon. Gentleman to his position and I thank him for an advance copy of his statement. No one underestimates this country but the country is...but the country is deeply worried that the new Prime Minister overestimates himself.
He inherits a country that's been held back by nine years of austerity that's hit children and young people the hardest
Their youth centres have closed, their school funding cut, college budgets slashed and with the help of the Liberal Democrats, tuition fees have trebled.
Housing costs are higher than ever, and jobs are lower paid. Opportunity and freedom have been taken away. Austerity was always a political choice, never an economic necessity!
Mr Speaker: Order! Order! I indicated that people wouldn't shout down the Prime Minister. Precisely the same applies to the Leader of the Oppositions. Don’t try it: you are wasting your vocal cords, and above all, it won’t work.
The right hon. Gentleman will be heard and these exchanges will take as long as they will take whatever other appointments people might have. The right hon. Gentleman will be heard. Stop it! Jeremy Corbyn!
Jeremy Corbyn: Thank you, Mr Speaker. His predecessor promised to end austerity, but spectacularly failed to deliver. People do not trust the Prime Minister to make the right choices for the majority of people in this country, when he is also promising tax giveaways to the richest and big business, his own party’s funders.
So can he now indicate when he will set out the detail of the exact funding settlement for our schools, our hard-pressed local authorities and police, so that they can start planning now?
I am deeply alarmed to see no plan for Brexit. He was in the Cabinet that accepted the backstop and, of course, he voted for it on 30 March this year.
It would be welcome if he could set out what he finds so objectionable having voted for it less than four months ago. Can he explain this flip-flopping?
The House...will have a sense of déjà-vu and of trepidation at a Prime Minister setting out rigid red lines and an artificial timetable.
There is something eerily familiar about a Prime Minister marching off to Europe with demands to scrap the backstop, so why does he think he will succeed where his predecessor failed?
If the Prime Minister continues to pursue a reckless no deal does he accept that, he will be directly flouting the expressed will of this Parliament?
Industry, business and unions have been absolutely clear about the threat that that poses: no deal means no steel, no car industry, food prices dramatically rising and huge job losses.
Make UK, representing much of manufacturing industry, says no deal would be "the height of economic lunacy". Companies from Toyota to Asda have been clear about the dangers of no deal.
Make UK代表整个英国制造行业的机构,无协议脱欧将带来"经济错乱的顶峰"。从丰田到阿斯达很多公司都明确指出,无协议脱欧的危害性。
Is the Prime Minister still guided by his "f*** business" policy? Mr Speaker, those recklessly advocating no deal won't be the ones who lose out.
The wealthy elite who fund him and his party will not lose their jobs, see their living standards cut or face higher food bills.
Mr Speaker, if the Prime Minister has confidence in his plan, once he has decided what it is, he should go back to the people with that plan.
Labour will oppose any deal that fails to protect jobs...We will oppose any deal that fails to protect jobs, workers’ rights or environmental protections.
And if he has the confidence to put that decision back to the people, we would, in those circumstances, campaign to remain!!
Mr Speaker, the office of...
Mr Speaker: Order! It will take as long as it takes. I have plenty of time. I am totally untroubled by these matters. Jeremy Corbyn!
Jeremy Corbyn: Mr Speaker, the office of Prime Minister requires integrity and honesty, so will the Prime Minister correct his claim that kipper exports from the Isle of Man to the UK are subject to EU regulations?
Will he also acknowledge that the £39 billion is now £33 billion due over 30 years and has been legally committed to be paid by his predecessor?
This is a phoney threat about a fake pot of money, made by the Prime Minister. Mr Speaker, I note that the climate change-denying US President, has already labelled the Prime Minister "Britain's Trump", and welcomed his commitment to work with Nigel Farage.
而首相却声称,他要撤销分手费,这根本是虚伪无比的威胁。我还注意到,那位不承认气候变化问题的美国总统,将我们这位首相亲切冠名为 "英国特朗普" ,还对他与法拉奇的合作表示欣赏和欢迎。
Could "Britain Trump" take this opportunity to rule out once and for all that our NHS being part of any trade deal, any trade deal with President Trump and the USA?
Will he make it clear that our national health service is not going to be sold to American healthcare companies? Mr Speaker, people fear that "far from wanting to "take back control" the new Prime Minister would effectively make us a vassal state of Trump’s America.
Mr Speaker, the challenge to end austerity, tackle inequality resolve Brexit and tackle the climate emergency are what will define the new Prime Minister.
Instead, we have a hard-right Cabinet staking everything on tax cuts for the few and a reckless race-to-the-bottom Brexit. He says he has “pluck and nerve and ambition”; our country does not need arm-waving bluster; but competence, seriousness and, after a decade of divisive policies for the few to focus for once on the interests of the many.
Boris Johnson: Mr Speaker, I struggled to discover a serious question in that but I will make one important point that it is worth making, which is under no circumstances, will we agree to any free trade deal that puts the NHS on the table.
It is not for sale. I will remind the right hon. Gentleman that for 44 of its 71 years of glorious existence, the NHS, has benefited from Conservative policies and Conservative government, because we understand that unless you support wealth creation, unless you believe in British business, British enterprise and British industry, you will not have the funds;
Unless you have a strong economy, you will not be able to pay for a fantastic NHS. Mr Speaker, that is a lesson that the right hon. Gentleman simply doesn't get.
I struggled to see the country in his description of the United Kingdom today. The reality is that unemployment is, of course, down under the Conservatives to the lowest level since the 1970s.
Crime is actually down a third since 2010. We have record inward investment into this country of £1.3 trillion. We have fantastic new electric car factories...
Mr Speaker: Order! Order! Order...
Mr McDonald, you really are at times a reckless delinquent. Calm yourself, man. I know you get very irate because you feel passionately, and I respect your passion, but I do not respect your delinquency.
Calm yourself, man, take some sort of soothing medicament and you will feel better as a consequence. The Prime Minister!
Boris Johnson: They don't like the truth that, more homes were built in this country last year than in any of the last 31 years. Wages are now outperforming inflation for the first time in a decade.
The living wage—a Conservative policy which I'm proud to say I championed in London was then stolen by our wonderful Conservative Government and put into a national policy, the living wage has expanded, the incomes of those who receive it by £4,500 since 2010.
This is a right hon. Gentleman who is set on an economic policy together with the shadow Chancellor who was sacked by Ken Livingstone for being too left wing...
Quite rightly, he was sacked for fabricating a budget. He forged a budget—sacked for forging a budget. He would raise taxes on inheritance, Mr Speaker, he would raise taxes on pensions. I am answering; I am telling you...
Mr Speaker: Or...order! Ooorder! Order! Mr Lavery, you are another over-excitable denizen of the House. Calm yourself, it would be therapeutic for you to do so.
There is far too much noise on both sides of the House, and I fear that the noise on the Front Bench is proving contagious. I note that certain Back Benchers are becoming over-excitable. They must restrain themselves, I know that the Prime Minister will, of course, be both passionate and restrained.
The Prime Minister!
Boris Johnson: It is only with an effort that I can master my feelings here, Mr Speaker. The right hon. Gentleman, wouldn't only put up taxes on inheritance, pensions and corporations, he would put up taxes on income to 50p in the pound.
There he is, the forger of the budget of 1984, Mr Speaker. Give him a chance and he would put up taxes not just on homes, but on gardens.
Mr Speaker, and he speaks about trust in our democracy, I have to say that a most extraordinary thing has just happened today. Did anybody notice what happened today?
Did anybody notice the terrible metamorphosis that took place, like the final scene of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”?
At last, this long-standing Eurosceptic, the right hon. Gentleman, has been captured. He has been jugulated, he has been reprogrammed by his hon. Friends, He has been turned now into a remainer!
Of all the flip-flops that he has performed in his tergiversating career that is the one for which I think he will pay the highest price. Because it's this party now, this Government, that is clearly on the side of democracy in this country.
It is this party that is on the side of the people who voted so overwhelmingly in 2016, and it is this party that will deliver the mandate that they gave to this Parliament and which, by the way, this Parliament promised time and time and time again to deliver.
And indeed, the right hon. Gentleman and all his colleagues promised to deliver it. And the reality now is that we are the party of the people. We are the party of the many and they are the party of the few. We will take this country forwards, they, Mr Speaker, would take it backwards!
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- 参考消息
- 英国新首相 V 反对派大佬:鲍里斯议会吵架实录,震撼!
- 来源: 精彩英文演讲 英国下议院德云社终于迎来了崭新的一季,新首相鲍里斯的下议院首相质询首次亮相,继续和“前朝遗老”科尔宾唇枪舌剑,两位BOSS的对辩真是精彩纷呈。 工党领袖科尔宾咄咄逼人,攻击鲍
- 英伦大叔