
  • 太涨知识了!2019年政府工作报告中英双语(学习收藏版)
  • 来源:灼见





Delivered at the Second Session of the13th National People`s Congress of the People`s Republic of China on March 5,2019

国务院总理 李克强


Premierof the State Council




Onbehalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of thegovernment and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also invite commentsfrom members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).


I. 2018 inReview


The year 2018was the first year for putting the guiding principles of the 19th NationalCongress of the Communist Party of China fully into effect. It was also thisgovernment’s first to perform, in accordance with law, thefunctions of office. In pursuing development this year, China faced acomplicated and challenging domestic and international environment of a kindrarely seen in many years, and its economy came under new downward pressure.

Under thefirm leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at itscore, we, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, guided by Xi Jinping Thoughton Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, forged ahead andovercame difficulties. The year`s main targets for economic and social developmentwere accomplished, and in building a moderately prosperous society in allrespects, we made major progress toward a decisive victory.


Themain economic indicators were kept within an appropriate range. Gross domesticproduct (GDP) grew by 6.6 percent, exceeding 90 trillion yuan. Economic growthmatched electricity consumption, freight transport, and other indicators.Consumer prices rose by 2.1 percent. In the balance of payments a basicequilibrium was maintained. A further 13.61 million new urban jobs were added,and the surveyed unemployment rate remained stable at a comparatively low levelof around 5 percent. For a big developing country with a population close to1.4 billion like ours, attaining relatively full employment is critical.


Economicstructure was further improved. Consumption continued to play an increasingrole in driving economic growth. The service sector`s contribution to growthapproached 60 percent. Growth in high-tech industries and equipmentmanufacturing outstripped that of other industries. Harvests were again good.Energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 3.1 percent. The quality and returnsof growth continued to improve.


Newgrowth drivers grew rapidly. A number of major scientific and technologicalinnovations were made, like the Chang`e-4 lunar probe. Emerging industriesthrived and traditional industries saw faster transformation and upgrading.Business startups and innovation continued to surge nationwide, with an averageof over 18,000 new businesses opening daily and the total number of marketentities passing the 100 million mark. New growth drivers are now profoundlychanging our mode of production and way of life, creating new strengths forChina`s development.


Newbreakthroughs were made in reform and opening up. Institutional reforms of boththe State Council and local governments were implemented smoothly. New progresswas made in reform in key fields. The negative list system for market accesswas put fully into effect. Reforms to streamline administration and delegatepower, improve regulation, and upgrade services were intensified, and ourbusiness environment rose significantly in international rankings. Opening upwas expanded on all fronts, and joint efforts to pursue the Belt and RoadInitiative (BRI) made significant headway. The first China International ImportExpo was a success. Work began on building the China (Hainan) Pilot Free TradeZone. China`s total volume of trade in goods exceeded 30 trillion yuan, and itsutilized foreign investment totaled US$138.3 billion, ranking China first amongdeveloping countries.


Thethree critical battles got off to a good start.1 We forestalled and defusedmajor risks. The macro leverage ratio trended toward a stable level; thefinancial sector was generally stable. Precision poverty alleviation madesignificant progress, with the rural poor population reduced by 13.86 million,including 2.8 million people assisted through relocation from inhospitableareas. Pollution prevention and control was strengthened, and PM2.5 densitycontinued to fall. Marked achievements were made in ecological conservation.


Livingstandards continued to improve. Per capita disposable personal income grew by6.5 percent in real terms. The threshold for individual income tax was raisedand six special additional deductions were created. Support for basic elderlycare and basic health care was strengthened. Close to 100 million payments weremade to assist students from families in financial difficulty, covering allschool types. More than 6.2 million housing units were rebuilt in rundown urbanareas and 1.9 million dilapidated rural houses were renovated. Urban and ruralliving standards continued to rise.


Wesolemnly commemorated the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, thoroughlyreviewed its great achievements and the valuable experience gained in itspursuit, and pledged our resolve to see reform and opening up through in thenew era, thus galvanizing the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to continuetheir hard work to make new historic achievements.


Lookingback at the past year, we can see that our achievements did not come easily.

Whatwe faced was profound change in our external environment. Setbacks in economicglobalization, challenges to multilateralism, shocks in the internationalfinancial market, and especially the China-US economic and trade frictions, hadan adverse effect on the production and business operations of some companiesand on market expectations.

Whatwe faced were severe challenges caused by the growing pains of economictransformation. An interlacing of old and new issues and a combination ofcyclical and structural problems brought changes in what was a generally stableeconomic performance, some of which caused concern.

Whatwe faced was a complicated terrain of increasing dilemmas. We had multipletargets to attain, like ensuring stable growth and preventing risks; multipletasks to complete, like promoting economic and social development; and multiplerelationships to handle, like that between short-term and long-term interests.And the difficulty of making policy choices and moving work forward increasedmarkedly.

Withthe concerted efforts of the whole country, the Chinese economy, from a largerbase, achieved generally stable growth while making further progress; andsocial stability was ensured. This once again shows that the Chinese people,under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have the courage, vision,and strength to prevail over any difficulty or obstacle. There is no difficultythat cannot be overcome in China`s pursuit of development!


Overthe past year, we fully implemented all major policies and plans made by theParty Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. We followed thegeneral principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, and workedholistically to maintain stable growth, advance reform, make structuraladjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risks. We handledeconomic and trade frictions with the United States appropriately. We worked toensure stable employment, a stable financial sector, stable foreign trade,stable foreign investment, stable domestic investment, and stable expectations.Our main work of the past year was as follows.


First,we developed new ways to improve macro regulation and ensured a generallystable economic performance.

Facingnew circumstances and developments, we were firm in choosing

notto adopt a deluge of strong stimulus policies, and we maintained the continuityand consistency of macro policies. As we conducted regulation to keep maineconomic indicators within an appropriate range, we also improved targeted andwell-timed regulation, and carried out anticipatory adjustments andfine-tuning.

Wecontinued to pursue a proactive fiscal policy, focusing on cutting taxes andfees, strengthening areas of weakness, and promoting structural adjustment. Wereduced VAT rates and expanded the coverage of tax relief for small businesseswith low profits, and introduced preferential tax policies to encourage R&Dand innovation. Over the year, the tax and fee burden on enterprises andindividuals was thus reduced by around 1.3 trillion yuan. We improved thecomposition of budgetary spending, put idle budgetary funds to use, and ensuredspending in key areas.

Wemaintained a prudent monetary policy and encouraged financial support for thereal economy. In response to the difficulties and high costs of financing, wereduced required reserve ratios four times, and applied a combination ofmeasures to ease funding shortages faced by private enterprises and small andmicro businesses. Initial success was thus made in curbing the rising cost offinancing.

Wepromptly responded to abnormal fluctuations in the stock and bond markets, andkept the RMB exchange rate basically stable. China`s foreign exchange reserveswere maintained at over US$3 trillion.


Second,we took solid action in the three critical battles and made good progress incarrying out key tasks.

Wedrew up and began the systematic implementation of a three-year action plan forthe three critical battles.

Wemade steady progress in structural deleveraging, handled risks in the financialsector prudently and appropriately, prevented and controlled local governmentdebt risks, and reformed and improved mechanisms for conducting regulation overthe real estate market.

Wemade further progress in precision poverty alleviation. We strengthened povertyrelief capacity, increased budgetary input, and encouraged society to assistpoverty alleviation. The self-development capacity of poverty-stricken areaswas steadily enhanced.

Welaunched an all-out fight to keep our skies blue, our waters clear, and ourland pollution-free. Energy and transportation structures were upgraded. Thereplacement of coal with natural gas and electricity in North China wassteadily advanced. The system of river chiefs and lake chiefs was established acrossthe country. The use of both chemical fertilizers and pesticides was reduced.Inspections and law enforcement for environmental protection were strengthened.And we took active steps to respond to climate change


Third,we deepened supply-side structural reform and steadily unleashed the dynamismof the real economy.

Westrengthened work to cut ineffective supply, foster new growth drivers, andreduce costs in the real economy.

Wemade progress in using market mechanisms to cut capacity in the steel and coalindustries.

Measureswere implemented to ensure stable investment; as a result, investment inmanufacturing and private investment rebounded markedly. Policies were adoptedto stimulate consumer spending. Internet Plus initiatives were advanced acrossthe board, and new technologies and models were used to transform traditionalindustries.

Wedeepened efforts to streamline government functions and cut taxes and fees. Anumber of government permits were abolished, the reform separating permits fromthe business license was implemented nationwide, the time needed to start abusiness was considerably shortened, and the types of industrial productionpermits were cut by over a third. Oversight conducted through the randomselection of both inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release ofresults was implemented nationwide.

Weoverhauled the charges and fees levied on businesses, and encouraged cuts inthe cost of electricity, broadband services, and logistics. We advanced the InternetPlus Government Services initiative, the local authorities explored andextended a number of distinctive reform measures, and both businesses and thepublic now enjoy increasingly better access to government services.


Fourth,we continued to implement the innovation-driven development strategy andfurther increased innovation capacity and performance.

Wegreatly improved the innovation ecosystem to keep innovators of all kinds fullymotivated. The reform of the management system for science and technology wasdeepened, steps were taken to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies forkey fields, and the building of major science and technology infrastructure andinnovation centers was stepped up.

Westrengthened the principal position of enterprises in technological innovation,and extended the policy on raising the proportion of additional tax-deductibleR&D costs to cover all enterprises.

Wedeveloped policies and measures to support innovation and business startups.The volume of contracted technology transactions grew by over 30 percent.

五是加大改革开放力度,发展动力继续增强。深化国资国企改革,国有企业优化重组、提质增效取得新进展。针对民营企业发展遇到的困难和问题,千方百计帮助解忧纾困。推进财税体制改革,预算绩效管理改革全面启动。改革金融监管体制,完善利率、汇率市场化形成机制。农业农村、社会事业、生态环保等领域改革不断深化。推出对外开放一系列重大举措。共建“一带一路”引领效应持续释放,同沿线国家的合作机制不断健全,经贸合作和人文交流加快推进。出台稳外贸政策,货物通关时间压缩一半以上。下调部分商品进口关税,关税总水平由9.8%降至7.5%。新设一批跨境电商综合试验区。复制推广自贸试验区改革经验。大幅压缩外资准入负面清单,扩大金融、汽车等行业开放,一批重大外资项目落地,新设外资企业增长近70% 。

Fifth,we intensified reform and opening up and continued to strengthen the momentumof development.

Wedeepened reforms of state capital and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and madenew gains in upgrading and restructuring SOEs and in improving their qualityand performance. In addressing difficulties and issues encountered by privateenterprises, we used every feasible means to help them overcome problems andconcerns.

Weadvanced the reform of the fiscal and tax systems, and launchedperformance-based budget management reform across the country. We reformed thefinancial regulatory system and improved the mechanisms through which interestrates and exchange rates are set by the market. Steady progress was made inreforms related to agriculture, rural affairs, social programs, andenvironmental protection.

Inopening up, we introduced a series of major moves. Joint efforts to pursue theBelt and Road Initiative are producing a pace-setting effect, cooperationmechanisms for countries along its routes are steadily improving, and economiccooperation, trade, and cultural and people-to-people exchanges under theInitiative have gathered momentum.

Welaunched policies to ensure steady growth in foreign trade, and cut the timeneeded for customs clearance by more than half. Import tariffs on some goodswere lowered, and the overall tariff level was reduced from 9.8 to 7 .5percent.

Anumber of new integrated pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce wereestablished. Reform measures proven to work in pilot free trade zones werereplicated and applied elsewhere. We shortened significantly the negative listfor foreign investment, opened up sectors like finance and automobiles wider toforeign competition, and sped up the implementation of a number of majorforeign investment projects. The number of new foreign enterprises grew bynearly 70 percent.


Sixth,we pursued balanced development across rural and urban areas and regions andsped up the formation of a pattern of positive interplay.

Therural revitalization strategy was implemented with vigor; grain output was keptabove 650 million metric tons. Solid progress was made in the pursuit of newurbanization, and close to 14 million people originally from rural areas gainedpermanent urban residency.

Afull range of reforms and innovative measures were introduced to advancedevelopment in the western region, revitalize the northeast, energize thecentral region, and support the eastern region in spearheading development.

Majorprogress was made in boosting the coordinated development of theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Along the Yangtze Economic Belt, efforts toprioritize ecological conservation and boost green development werestrengthened.

Substantivesteps were taken in the planning and building of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacaoGreater Bay Area, and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was opened to traffic.

Weexpanded support for reforms and development in old revolutionary base areas,areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poor areas.

Another4,100 kilometers of high-speed railways opened to traffic, and over 6,000kilometers of expressways and more than 300,000 kilometers of rural roads werebuilt or improved.

Withall this, the balance in development between rural and urban areas and betweenregions has continuously improved.


Seventh,we continued to ensure and improve living standards in the course of pursuingdevelopment and enabled the people to share more fully and fairly in thebenefits of reform and development.

Wetook prompt steps to ease the impact of changes in the external environment onemployment.

Wemade strong moves to ensure the implementation of policies on pay packages ofteachers in compulsory education and stepped up the development of small ruralschools and boarding schools in towns and townships.

Weestablished a system for the central government to allocate nationwideenterprise employees` basic aged-care insurance funds, raised retirees` basicpensions, and increased the minimum basic aged-care pension benefits for ruraland non-working urban residents from 70 to 88 yuan per person per month.

Wecontinued to increase benefits for entitled groups and subsistence allowances,and ensured that all people with disabilities who are eligible can accessliving allowances and nursing care subsidies.

Fordemobilized military personnel, we improved service provision and managementand protected their lawful rights and interests.

Coordinatedmedical service, medical insurance, and pharmaceutical reforms continued. Wemade steady progress in developing the tiered diagnosis and treatment model. Weraised the level of government subsidies for rural and non-working urbanresidents` basic medical insurance and the reimbursement rate of their seriousillness insurance.

Thereform for evaluation and approval of new medicines was stepped up; the pricesof 17 cancer drugs were slashed and these drugs were included in the nationalmedical insurance catalog.

Wesped up the implementation of cultural projects designed to benefit the people,and continued to strengthen public cultural services at the community level.Fitness-for-All activities flourished. Chinese athletes excelled themselves ininternational competitions.


Wesubmitted 18 legislative proposals to the Standing Committee of the NationalPeople`s Congress for deliberation, and formulated or revised 37 sets ofadministrative regulations. We reformed and adjusted the composition andresponsibilities of government bodies. The State Council conducted majoraccountability inspections to ensure the implementation of reform anddevelopment policies and plans. We made full use the role of auditing inoversight.

Wereformed and improved urban and rural governance at the primary level. New approacheswere adopted to address public complaints. We reformed and strengthenedemergency management, responded swiftly and effectively to major naturaldisasters, and achieved a continued reduction in both the total number ofworkplace accidents and the number of serious and major accidents.

Westrengthened oversight over food and drug safety and investigated and tookstern action in defective vaccines cases like that involving ChangchunChangsheng.

Weimproved the national security system. We strengthened comprehensive measuresto maintain law and order, launched a campaign to combat organized crime androot out local mafia, and cracked down on crime and other legal violations inaccordance with law. Further headway was made in carrying out the PeacefulChina initiative.

Wefully implemented the Party Central Committee`s strategic decision on enforcingfull and strict discipline over the Party, and intensified efforts to improveParty conduct and build a clean government. We moved to ensure that all Partymembers, on a regular and institutionalized basis, work to gain a good commandof the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary XiJinping`s policy addresses and to meet Party standards.


Weacted in strict accordance with the central Party leadership`s eight-pointdecision on conduct and the rules for its implementation. We took stern actionagainst formalities performed for formalities` sake, bureaucratism, hedonism,and extravagance. Activities of various types in violation of laws orregulations were severely punished or prosecuted. Steps were taken to bring thecorrupt to justice, and the fight against corruption was a resounding success.


Overthe past year, we attained new achievements in pursuing diplomacy with our owncharacteristics as a major country. We successfully hosted major diplomaticevents such as the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference, the Qingdao Summit ofthe Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Beijing Summit of the Forum onChina-Africa Cooperation. President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leadersvisited many countries and attended major international events, including theAPEC Economic Leaders Meeting, the G20 Leaders Summit, the BRICS LeadersMeeting, the Asia-Europe Meeting, and the East Asian leaders` meetings oncooperation.

China`srelations with other major countries remained generally stable, our relationswith neighboring countries saw all-round growth, and our bond of unity andcooperation with other developing countries grew stronger

Wepromoted the development of a new type of international relations and a humancommunity with a shared future, and resolutely protected China`s sovereignty,security, and development interests. Our pursuit of economic diplomacy andcultural and people-to-people exchanges yielded rich fruit. China endeavored topromote world peace and development and made important contributions recognizedaround the world.




Weowe our achievements of the past year to the strong leadership of the PartyCentral Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, to the sound guidance ofXi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, andto the concerted efforts of the Party, the military, and the people of allethnic groups in China. On behalf of the State Council, I express sincerethanks to the people of all our ethnic groups, and to all other politicalparties, people`s organizations, and public figures from all sectors ofsociety. I express sincere appreciation to our fellow countrymen and women inthe Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, in Taiwan, andoverseas. I also express our sincere gratitude to the governments of othercountries, international organizations, and friends from all over the world whohave shown understanding and support for China in its endeavor to achievemodernization.


Onlyalertness to danger will ensure safety. While fully recognizing ourachievements, we must also be clear about the problems and challenges ourcountry faces in its development.

Growthin the global economy is slowing, protectionism and unilateralism are mounting,and there are drastic fluctuations in the prices of commodities on theinternational market. Instability and uncertainty are visibly increasing, andexternally-generated risks are on the rise.

Downwardpressure on the Chinese economy continues to increase, growth in consumption isslowing, and growth in effective investment lacks momentum. The real economyfaces many difficulties. The difficulties that private firms and small andmicro businesses face in accessing affordable financing have not yet beeneffectively solved. The business enviro1unent still falls short of marketentities` expectations.

Ourcapacity for innovation is not strong, and our weakness in terms of coretechnologies for key fields remains a salient problem. Budgetary deficits insome localities are quite large. There are still many risks and hidden dangersin the financial and other sectors. In deeply impoverished areas, we still facemany difficulties in the fight against poverty. Ecological conservation andpollution prevention and control continue to be a weighty task.

Thereis still public dissatisfaction in many areas, such as education, healthcare,elderly care, housing, food and drug safety, and income distribution. Last yearsaw the occurrence of a number of public safety incidents and major workplaceaccidents. The lessons these incidents left us with should never be forgotten.

Thereis room for improvement in the work of government. Some measures and policiesfor reform and development have not been fully implemented. We still have aserious problem with pointless formalities and bureaucratism. Excessive andover-frequent inspections and evaluations and a focus on the superficial to theneglect of the substantive have increased the burden on officials working atthe primary level. A small number of government employees lack drive. Instancesof corruption still occur frequently in some sectors.

Wemust face the problems and challenges squarely, shoulder our responsibility,fully perform our duties, and do all we can to truly live up to people`sexpectations.


II.Economicand Social Development in 2019:Overall Requirements and Policy Directions


Thisyear is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People`s Republic of China.It will be a crucial year for us as we endeavor to achieve the first CentenaryGoal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. To fulfillthe work of government, under the strong leadership of the Party CentralCommittee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we must:

follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought onSocialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

implement fully the guiding principles ofthe Party`s 19th National Congress and the second and third plenary sessions ofits 19th Central Committee;

pursuecoordinated progress in the five-sphere integrated plan;

pursuebalanced progress in the four-pronged comprehensive strategy;

adhereto the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability;

continueto apply the new development philosophy;

continueto work for high-quality development;

continueto pursue supply-side structural reform as our main task;

continueto deepen market-orientated reforms and expand high-standard opening up;

workfaster to modernize the economy;

continuethe three critical battles;

invigoratemicro entities;

exploreinnovations in and improve macro regulation;

makecoordinated efforts to maintain stable growth, advance reform, make structuraladjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risks;

keepmajor economic indicators within an appropriate range;

take further steps to ensure stableemployment, a stable financial sector, stable foreign trade, stable foreigninvestment, stable domestic investment, and stable expectations;

boost market confidence;

enable people to feel more satisfied, happy,and secure; and

sustain healthy economic development andmaintain social stability.

Bydoing the above, we will create the pivotal underpinning for completing thebuilding of a moderately prosperous society and celebrate with outstandingaccomplishments the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People`s Republic.


Afull analysis of developments in and outside China shows that in pursuingdevelopment this year, we will face a graver and more complicated environmentas well as risks and challenges, foreseeable and otherwise, that are greater innumber and size. We must be fully prepared for a tough struggle. Thedifficulties we face must not be underestimated, our confidence must not beweakened, and the energy we bring to our work must not be allowed to wane.

Chinais still in an important period of strategic opportunity for development andhas ample resilience, enormous potential, and great creativity to unleash. Thelonging of our people for a better life is strong. We have the unshakable willand the ability needed to prevail over difficulties and challenges of any kind,and our economic fundamentals are sound and will remain sound over the longterm.


Withthe above in mind, the main projected targets for economic and socialdevelopment this year are set as follows:

GDPgrowth of 6-6.5 percent

Over11 million new urban jobs, a surveyed urban unemployment rate of around 5.5percent, and a registered urban unemployment rate within 4.5 percent

CPIincrease of around 3 percent

Abasic equilibrium in the balance of payments, and stable, better-structuredimports and exports

Amacro leverage ratio that is basically stable, and effective prevention andcontrol of financial and fiscal risks

Areduction of over 10 million in the rural poor population

Personalincome growth that is basically in step with economic growth

Afurther improvement in the environment

Adrop of around 3 percent in energy consumption per unit of GDP Continuedreductions in the discharge of major pollutants

Theabove projected targets are ambitious but realistic - they represent our aim ofpromoting high-quality development, are in keeping with the current realities ofChina`s development, and are aligned with the goal of completing the buildingof a moderately prosperous society in all respects. But to realize these goalswe need to redouble our efforts.


Wewill ensure that the right direction is set for the pursuit of our macropolicies. We will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and a prudentmonetary policy, implement an employment-first policy, and strengthen thecoordination between these policies to keep major economic indicators within anappropriate range and sustain healthy economic and social development.


Wewill pursue a proactive fiscal policy with greater intensity and enhance itsperformance. Deficit-to-GDP ratio this year is projected at 2.8 percent, a0.2-percentage-point increase over that of last year. The budgetary deficit isprojected at 2.76 trillion yuan, with a central government deficit of 1.83trillion yuan and a local government deficit of 0.93 trillion yuan. Inmoderately increasing the deficit-to-GDP ratio, we have given fullconsideration to factors such as government revenue and expenditure and theissuance of special bonds; we have also taken into account the need to leave policyspace to address risks that could arise in the future.

Governmentexpenditure is budgeted at over 23 trillion yuan, a 6.5 percent increase. Thecentral government`s transfer payments to local governments for equalizingaccess to basic public services will increase by 10.9 percent. We will reformand improve the mechanism for ensuring basic fiscal capacity at the countylevel, ease the pressure of budgetary constraints faced by localities, and makecertain that people`s basic living needs are met.


Ourprudent monetary policy will be eased or tightened to the right degree.Increases in M2 money supply and aggregate financing should be in keeping withnominal GDP growth to keep major indicators within an appropriate range.

Inimplementation, we will ensure the valve on aggregate monetary supply is wellcontrolled and refrain from using a deluge of stimulus policies; but will alsouse flexibly a variety of monetary policy instruments to improve thetransmission mechanism of monetary policy, maintain reasonably sufficientliquidity, effectively mitigate difficulties faced in the real economy,especially by private enterprises and small and micro businesses, in accessingaffordable financing, and forestall and defuse financial risks.

Wewill deepen reforms to strengthen the market`s role in setting interest ratesand lower real interest rates. We will improve the exchange rate mechanism andkeep the RMB exchange rate generally stable and at an adaptive and balancedlevel.


Anemployment-first policy will be pursued with full force. Employment is thecornerstone of well-being, and the wellspring of wealth. This year, for thefirst time, we are elevating the employment-first policy to the status of amacro policy. This is to increase society-wide attention to employment andsupport for it. Both in the immediate future and for some time to come, thepressure on aggregate job creation will continue unabated, the relatedstructural issues will become more pronounced, and new factors that affectemployment will continue to grow. All this means we must give greater priorityto increasing employment.

Maintainingstable growth, first and foremost, is to ensure employment. This year, on topof the urban job creation target, we will work to reach the actual employmentfigures of the past few years so as to ensure employment for the urbanworkforce while creating non-agricultural employment opportunities for thesurplus rural workforce. With stable employment and increasing incomes, we cancontinue to be fully confident.


Wewill continue to pursue supply-side structural reform as our main task,focusing on consolidating, strengthening, upgrading, and ensuring unimpededflows: we will use more reforms and means in accordance with market principlesand law to consolidate the gains made in the five priority tasks;1 tostrengthen the dynamism of micro entities; to upgrade industrial chains; and toensure unimpeded flows in the economy, thus moving toward high-qualitydevelopment.


Wewill continue the three critical battles and adopt precise measures to deliversolid outcomes.

Toforestall and defuse major risks, we should be clear about potential dangers,continue structural deleveraging, forestall abnormal financial marketfluctuations, deal prudently with local government debt risk, and guard againstand control externally-generated risks.

Wewill intensify precision poverty alleviation efforts in accordance with currentstandards, with the focus on deeply impoverished areas and the most vulnerablegroups to deliver solid outcomes.

Inaddressing pollution, we will focus on major priorities such as the fight tokeep our skies blue, take a holistic approach, address both symptoms and rootcauses, and make continuous improvements to the environment.


Forthe government to deliver this year, we need to get the following relationshipsright.

First,we need to handle in a holistic way the relationship between domestic andinternational issues, and focus on running our own affairs well. China is stilland will long remain in the primary stage of socialism; and it continues to bethe world`s largest developing country. Development is the foundation of andkey to solving all our country`s problems. We must pursue with dedication thecentral task of economic development, never falter in our commitment to thestrategic thinking that development is of paramount importance and that itshould be sound and of a high quality, and continue to unleash and developproductive forces.

Againstthe backdrop of a complex and fast-changing international environment, we mustmaintain strategic focus and carry out work in accordance with the goals andplans already set. We should make better use of both international and domesticmarkets and resources, face challenges squarely, turn risks into opportunities,and remain firm in our commitment to pursuing development.

Second,we need to achieve the right balance in the relationship between maintainingstable growth and guarding against risks, to ensure sustained, healthy economicdevelopment. The many risks and potential problems that have built up over theyears demand stronger mitigating action, but in doing so we need to observeobjective laws and take the right approach. Our approach must be firm,controllable, and systematic, and it should be applied with the right degree ofintensity. We need to defuse risks step by step in the course of pursuingdevelopment and decisively forestall any systemic or regional risks.

Againstthe backdrop of mounting downward pressure on the economy, the policies andmeasures we adopt should ensure stable expectations, stable growth, andstructural adjustments. In working to forestall and control risks, we need toget the pace and intensity right. We should see that the effects of tighteningare not amplified, and we must never allow economic indicators to slide out ofthe appropriate range.

Atthe same time, we must not attend only to immediate concerns or adoptshort-term strong stimulus policies that will end up undermining long-termdevelopment and generating new risks.

Third,we need to balance the relationship between government and market, and energizemarket entities through reform and opening up. As long as market entities areenergized, we can boost the internal forces driving development and withstandthe downward pressure on the economy. We must work hard to advance reform andopening up, speed up the establishment of a unified and open, competitive andorderly modern market system, relax restrictions on market access, ensureimpartial regulation, and create a business environment based on rule of lawthat is internationalized and enabling, in order to energize market entities.

Ultimately,market vitality and social creativity stem from the initiative of hundreds ofmillions of people being put into action. We must stay true to the vision ofpeople-centered development and do everything within our capacity to meetpeople`s basic needs, resolve key problems affecting living standards, promotesocial fairness and justice, and help our people achieve better lives.

TheChinese are an industrious and talented people and possess boundless potentialfor innovation and creativity. All we need to do is unleash that potential andthe space for China`s development going forward will doubtless be vast.



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