• “美政府不具名高官称......”耿爽:恐怕他自己都不好意思具名吧
  • 来源:环球时报英文版
Via 外交部发言人办公室Q: A US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on November 11 that the US condemned "unjustified use of deadly force" in the latest Hong Kong violence and that "Hong Kong police and civilians alike have a responsibility to de-escalate and avoid violent confrontations". British Prime Minister's Office urged all sides to be calm and exercise restraint, saying the Prime Minister supports the right to peaceful protests and they want to see "the Hong Kong authorities agree a path to resolve this situation". What's your comment?
问:据报道,11日,美政府不具名高官称,美方谴责香港最新暴力事件中不合理使用致命武力的行为,香港警方和市民都有责任降低和避免暴力冲突。英国首相府称,敦促各方保持冷静和克制,英首相支持和平抗议的权利,希香港当局找到解决问题的途径。中方对此有何回应?A: The Chief Executive and police of the Hong Kong SAR have already responded to the incident yesterday where a masked man assaulted the police and was shot.
If you watch through the video clip, you will see clearly that the rioters assaulted the police first and the officer's response was fully lawful. It cannot be more obvious who was right and who was wrong. No matter which country you are in, you will never be allowed to assault police officers on duty, to grab their firearms and to threaten their safety. In addition, such attempts will be dealt with strong police force. I would like to ask US and British officials, how did their police react to similar scenarios?
大家通过视频可以看得很清楚,暴徒袭警在先,警方完全是在依法处置,孰是孰非,一目了然。无论在世界任何国家,抢夺警察的枪械,攻击正在执法的警察,威胁正在执法警察的人身安全,都是绝对不被允许的,也必然会受到警方的强力反制。我想问问美国和英国的官员,类似的事件发生在美国和英国时,他们的警察是如何处置的?There is another incident on the very same day in Hong Kong where rioters set ablaze a civilian who publicly expressed a view different from theirs. Such a hair-raising act has caused terror and anxiety among Hong Kong citizens. If the US and the UK truly oppose violence and call for restraint as they claim, why aren't they condemning such a heinous attack against a civilian?
同样在昨天,在香港还发生了一起暴徒将一名公开表达反对意见的平民点燃的事件,这种令人发指的行为在广大香港市民当中引起了恐慌和担忧。如果美英真像他们所称的那样反对暴力、呼吁克制,他们为什么不对这种攻击普通平民的行为予以严厉谴责?The US official refused to be named. I'm afraid he or she could only utter such remarks under the mask of anonymity. The pretense of impartiality by the US and the UK only reveals how they confuse right and wrong and how hypocritical they are. Such verbal justice exposes their double standards and ulterior motives. 发表上述言论的美国政府官员不具名,恐怕是自己都不好意思具名发表这样的言论吧?美英此次的貌似公允再次暴露出他们的是非不分和虚伪面目,他们的口头正义也再次暴露出他们的双重标准和别有用心。
I must stress once again that ending violence and restoring order is the paramount task, the broadest consensus and the strongest appeal in Hong Kong at this point. The central government firmly supports the Hong Kong SAR government in governing Hong Kong in accordance with law and the Hong Kong police in strictly enforcing law, maintaining social order and protecting citizens. We urge the US and the UK to earnestly respect China's sovereignty, exercise prudence on Hong Kong-related issues and stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs in any means.


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