• OWIU新作“饼干阁楼”~
  • 来源:美美住

总部位于洛杉矶的建筑设计事务所OWIU,近期公布了他们最新的项目“饼干阁楼”(BISCUIT LOFT)。项目坐落于洛杉矶市中心新兴艺术区的著名饼干公司Nabisco的loft大楼内,是一个以日式客栈为灵感的公寓设计。Los Angeles-based architecture firm OWIU has unveiled their latest project, the Biscuit Loft. Located in the loft building of famous biscuit company Nabisco in the emerging arts district of downtown Los Angeles, the project is a ryokan inn-inspired apartment design.

公寓室内面积为1620平方英尺(约493平方米),设计旨在将这个破旧的Loft空间改造成为两居室的城市禅宗隐居空间。With 1,620 square feet of interior space, the design aims to transform the dilapidated Loft into a two-bedroom urban Zen retreat.

为了最大限度地利用每一寸空间,OWIU为每个房间创造出更多的立体空间与独特的用途。本项目将亚洲设计原则与洛杉矶市中心的工业优势融为一体,创造出舒适的生活环境,为人们的日常生活带来了积极的影响。In order to maximize the use of every inch of space, OWIU creates more three-dimensional space and unique uses for each room. The project combines Asian design principles with the industrial strengths of downtown Los Angeles to create a comfortable living environment that has a positive impact on People's Daily lives.

饼干阁楼所在的Loft大楼现状良好且极具地标性,该大楼建于1925年,原作为国家饼干公司(Nabisco)西海岸面包工厂使用。大楼采用了框架结构,OWIU事务所尊重了建筑原有的工业风格,以富有美感的方式构建出新的室内元素。The Biscuit Loft is located in the iconic and preserved residential Biscuit Company Lofts Building, originally erected in 1925 as the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco) West Coast bakery. The factory building’s pre-existing framework provided OWIU with a strong foundation and solid “backbone” to aesthetically experiment and construct new interior elements. 

设计的目标旨在避免loft空间中常见的凌乱的家具布局,创造出舒适且实用的日常家庭生活环境。公寓内宽敞明亮的空间氛围得益于设计师对细节的关注与把控,精心设计的空间分隔措施最大限度的利用了每一寸室内面积。OWIU’s main goal was to avoid a cluttered furniture scheme, as often happens in loft spaces, and create a homey environment for comfortable and practical everyday use.The spacious and bright atmosphere of the apartment is due to the designer's attention to detail and control, and the carefully designed spatial separation measures maximize the use of every inch of the interior area.

日式风格的设计精神为公寓明确出分区功能,同时柔化了内部的工业元素。悬挂在天花板上的Noguchi Akari吊灯将明亮的光线洒满整个公寓,使整个室内空间从踏入的一瞬间便一目了然。The Japanese- data-backh="757" data-backw="562" data-ratio="1.346875" data-s="300,640" data-src="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/FtybiabQKpeMaGhpzoicDlfUOfBL54tIxWrfheutTr3t9H2cGLlGUrmv8dcANREXHJF2vdV1zZLKSIY9dzhXnSkw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="960" style="white-space: normal; width: 615px !important; height: 827.634px !important;" _width="100%" src="" crossorigin="anonymous" alt="图片">
巨大的混凝土楼板将空间分为两层,楼板下方是厨房吧台与用餐空间,餐桌采用了相同的混凝土材质。具有雕塑感的楼梯将人们从一层起居空间引向公寓的上层开放阁楼。A large concrete floor slab divides the space into two levels, below which is the kitchen bar and dining space, which are made of the same concrete.The ground floor living space frames the grandiose staircase which ascends to the upper open loft level of the apartment. 

楼梯的扶手采用了多面体的几何形式,在起到防护效果的同时,与扩展的阁楼空间融为一体。楼梯扶手由10个定制的模压面板组装而成,共有四种倾斜角度,这种设置打破了视觉连续性,将空间活化了起来,使楼梯摆脱了单调刻板的印象,晋升成项目中独特的设计元素。The staircase’s railing wraps up to seamlessly blend into the extended mezzanine and functions as a faceted guardrail. The staircase is assembled from 10 custom fabricated panels and features four angled interventions that break up the visual continuity. The guardrail’s typology is a unique design element that strays from a typical straight line guardrail.

双层空间是“饼干阁楼”最显著的特点,位于开放厨房和起居区上方夹层设有半私人书房与阅读室,同时也作为通往二楼私人主卧室的入口。The most prominent feature of the biscuit loft is the double storey space, which houses a semi-private study and reading room on a mezzanine level above the open kitchen and living area, and also acts as an entrance to the private master bedroom on the second floor.

Wooden frames and floors extend an additional 130 square feet to the mezzanine level, while separating the entrance to the private guest room from the master bedroom. This setting ensures the privacy of the occupants, creating a quiet atmosphere and comfortable sleeping conditions in the master bedroom.

The design of the guest rooms is inspired by the simplicity of the Japanese hotels. Originating in the 17th century, this type of Japanese- data-backw="550" data-ratio="1.346875" data-src="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/FtybiabQKpePy5p73jXPXr8qoOFAt1n6C2QmONq7o1PY0Kwec3ib7aMOtpia1Dt1u5kBTxdOkb2cJaTPheYe2zSIw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="960" height="741" sizes="(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px" style="box-sizing: inherit; border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; vertical-align: middle; width: 615px !important; height: 828.328px !important;" width="550" _width="100%" class="img_loading" src="" crossorigin="anonymous" alt="图片">
而在日常生活中,这间卧室可以作为茶道和聚会的场所使用,这种设置在日式旅馆中十分常见,宁静的室内氛围使这里成为人们阅读、思考以及休憩的理想场所,在车水马龙的洛杉矶市中心,这间小卧室堪称是躲避城市喧嚣与污染的世外桃源。And in daily life, the bedroom can be used as a place for the tea ceremony and party, this setting is very common in the ryokan, the interior atmosphere of quiet make here people reading, thinking, and an ideal place for recreation, in traffic in downtown Los Angeles, this small bedroom is escape city noises and pollution of xanadu.

OWIU是The Only Way Is Up的缩写,是一家提供全方位服务的建筑和设计办公室,位于洛杉矶市中心。OWIU的办公室和陈列室位于新兴的艺术区,这里已成为年轻创意人才的硅谷。OWIU的专业领域包括建筑设计,建筑,城市设计和产品设计。OWIU还提供建筑可视化服务。OWIU在处理每个项目时都非常注重美学和形式的精确性,并带有强烈的叙事和信念。

实践中蕴含着创新和进取的心态,自然地赋予了使命,即随着当代社会的技术进步,推动设计向前发展。OWIU是Joel Wong和Amanda Gunawan的创意,他们是两位精通建筑知识的设计师。
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