猫咪减重第一次踏上跑步机走几步就放弃,躲在角落喵叫抗议。(图/翻摄自The Dodo)记者阙雁琳/综合报导宠物身材胖胖的虽然可爱,但却会造成它们身体的负担。美国华盛顿一只俄罗斯蓝猫新德1年前遭到饲主抛弃,从此由邻居放养喂食,没想到越养越胖,体重高达11公斤也罹患关节炎,所幸在医生的帮助下,开始实施一连串减肥计画。但新德似乎很不满意,第一次到水疗跑步机面前,走几步就缩在角落低音抱怨,逗趣的影片被网路上萌晕无数人。
▼蓝猫新德过胖罹患关节炎,几乎无法行走。(图/翻摄自The Dodo)
新德是一只乖巧又亲人的猫咪,自从由邻居喂养,身材逐渐横向发展,体重重达25磅(约11.34公斤),因为太过肥胖罹患关节炎,几乎无法行走,邻居便带它到兽医院安乐死。兽医院的工作人员见状,决定阻止这场不必要的死亡,并将新德安置在医院的中途之家,「它是只个性甜美的猫咪,从你对着它说话的那一刻,它就会发出疗愈的呼噜声,尽管动作不大,它还是喜欢玩羽毛玩具!」 She is not on board with the exercise Jason is the best- That's good work! #felinemedicine #felinerehab由 发布于 2019年10月19日 星期六医护人员发现,新德因为自己的体重而遭受很多痛苦,目前已经开始吃处方饲料,同时搭配水疗运动,需要一段时间才能让它适应。新德第一次下接触水中跑步机,走几步就缩在角落拒绝运动,一边喵叫抗议仿佛在说着,「有人虐猫啊~」,但工作人员仍有耐心的引导,即使只是婴儿般的脚步也没关系,因为他们知道这都是新德迈向健康的正确道路。 As many of you know Cinder was relinquished to our hospital last week. We are fortunate that Purina has offered to help us with her care. We will be fundraising for our Good Samaritan fund - stay tuned for the details. This fund is used exclusively to pay for veterinary care for clients who could otherwise not afford it. It is important to feed a prescription weight loss food to a pet that is this overweight because it is balanced nutritionally to avoid essential nutrient deficiencies that can happen on a weight loss program. Many people have wondered why we are subjecting Cinder to the underwater treadmill. Cinder has arthritis in multiple joints and is carrying an extra 10 lb of body weight. The water provides a reduced weight-bearing environment that increases functional use of limbs without marked weight loading and resultant discomfort to joints. She's still in the process of becoming acclimated to this treadmill and the water level is lower than we would like just so she can become used to the process.由 发布于 2019年10月22日 星期二「它不喜欢跑步机,但却是一只温柔的猫。」医护人员笑说,现在新德已经慢慢适应跑步机,可以边抱怨边走路了,网路上也有许多人看到影片,纷纷留言帮它加油打气,相信再过不久,就能让它找回健康的身体。而在减重期间,新德将会住在医院,直到恢复正常体重,将会与医院的一位接待员领养回家。【你可能也想看】